Making a Difference with Deferred Maintenance

The Asset Management Facilities Condition Assessment (FCA) and ICAMP teams within Facilities Management (FM) are currently tracking nearly 200 deferred maintenance projects funded by Assembly Bill 94 (AB94) from 2019, 2020, and 2021 along with the State Budget Act from 2021. What a huge undertaking! Let’s check in with the team and see where we are today.
These teams consist of:
Edward (Eddy) Johnson, Data Officer who supervises three Asset Analysts: Rodney Tussing, Peter Maxwell, and Debbie Rabey; one Tririga Business Analyst (vacant), and four Inspectors; Mechanical Inspectors Kevin Fullerton and Thomas Kane, as well as an Architectural Inspector Courtney Cardenas and one Electrical Inspector, Robert Dominguez-Gadson.
In addition, we have one Deferred Maintenance Asset and Infrastructure Manager, Eric Guillen.
Together, these staff catalog and map buildings and equipment (in and out of the buildings), such as carpet, ceiling tiles, lighting, HVAC systems, and more, needed to keep the campus running. They track when maintenance is due for each item, life cycles, and costs, then work with the University of California Office of Presidents (UCOP) and the state to provide information and requests to outline funding needed to keep the campus in top shape.
The funding is allotted to us by AB94 and the State Budget Act Deferred Maintenance programs. Asset Management staff collect buildings’ and systems’ current conditions via inspections and in collaboration with the Energy and Engineering, Utilities, and Building Maintenance staff, who work daily on buildings and infrastructure for the campus. With their hands-on information and expertise, data pulled from work orders, and completed deferred maintenance projects entered into the Tririga system, the Asset Management team has a big picture of what is needed in the upcoming years.
Currently, the team manages the following programs:
Under the AB94 2019-20 program, the campus received $5.2 million. The 22 active projects funded by this Program are 75% completed and close out later this year.

The State Budget Act Deferred Maintenance Program funding topped $43 million. We have 200+ projects planned for buildings and infrastructure. Out of the 200+ planned projects, multiple of those projects are currently active.
The AB94 2020-21 program allotted $4.3 million to our deferred maintenance program. Currently, 15 projects have entered the planning phase to utilize this funding.
Future deferred maintenance programs will also include additional AB94 and state funding. We anticipate state approval for a projected ~$5 million from AB94 for 2022-23 and ~$11 million from one-time state budget funding.
As we prepare for the return of the students in the fall, you will likely see many of the FM staff at various buildings across campus. We are excited to finish these projects and provide comfortable spaces for you to work and continue your education and research!
To hear more about historical and current DM projects, check out our news page at: and click on the “Deferred Maintenance” category on the right-hand side.